Monday, December 05, 2005

Introducing the Girls

They came to live with us about a week ago. One of my coworkers knew that we were looking to adopt a pair of kittens, had noticed that a young stray in her neighborhood had just had a litter, and offered to try and catch these two cuties for us. We were a little reluctant to take on cats who'd had no domestication, but we agreed to it.

It took my coworker a little while to catch the kittens, but she finally caught them shortly before Thanksgiving. After that, she got them to the vet for a once-over, and then it was on to our place the Saturday after Turkey Day. And, oh!, never have you seen a more skittish pair. They were dropped off in a carrier case, and remained hidden in that case, huddled together in the very back, for the rest of the morning. We stepped out for a bit in the afternoon, and when we returned, the case was empty: The girls were loose in the house.

Since then it's been a bit of hide-and-seek with them: They find the little crevaces and hidey-holes in the apartment (the picture in the last post is them sitting on the baseboard radiator behind our CD shelves), staring at us when we look, hissing if we get too close, and only coming out when we're not around. Or at least, when they THINK we're not around. But they are coming out: the constantly-emptied food and water bowls (and the constantly-filled litter box) attest to that.

So they're getting used to us, and learning their way around our apartment and our world. It's just a matter of time...


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